Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Shelby Ricks, Certified Raw Food Educator and Essential Oil Expert

Oils can be a healer and food can empower YOU.
Learn how with my interview with Certified Raw Food Educator and Essential Oil Expert.

Shelby Ricks, Certified Raw Food Educator and Essential Oil Expert

The GREATEST Fan Interview by Kingi Knox

Q: What is DoTERRA and why should I use it?

A: DoTERRA is a company that was founded in 2008, with the mission of sharing therapeutic grade essential oils. DoTERRA means gift of the earth. These oils are of the highest quality and purest essential oils. DoTERRA created a new standard of therapeutic quality of essential oils. Their new standard is CPTG or Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade. When you choose doTERRA, you are choosing essential oils gently and carefully distilled from plants. The climate and the soil have a lot to do with their potency.

Q: Is doTERRA an essential oil for aromatherapy purposes or does it serve health benefits?

A: DoTERRA essential oils can be used for aromatherapy purposes and they also have many benefits. Each individual essential oil or essential oil blends affect the body differently. Some oils are great for alleviating occasional stomach upset, some oils are great for balancing and toning the skin, some oils relieve feelings of tension, some alleviating stomach upset, some support healthy bones, healthy heart, and so much more.  

Q: Is doTERRA costly and to achieve my health purpose what is the duration of something?

A. DoTERRA products are not costly. Sometimes people tell me that organic food is expensive. These oils are beyond organic, as they are grown in their indigenous regions. For instance, lavender is grown and harvested and France and lemon is grown and harvested in Italy. It is my belief that it is all in what we as individuals value. Do we value our health more or material things more? These oils are an investment to our health. In terms of how long someone would have to use the oils to achieve their health purpose, it depends on the individual and what they are experiencing. For instance, I like to drink lemon essential oil water three times a day everyday because it is very cleansing and nourishing to the body. After my daily workouts I like to use Deep Blue Rub, which is doTERRA’s soothing blend. It soothes sore muscles and joints. I also take doTERRA’s Lifelong Vitality Pack (LLV) of vitamins daily to get the proper supplementation, energy, nutrients that support my immune system, and so much more. My team and I are very big on education so when people purchase oils, we set up a wellness consult with those individuals and come up with a specific and individualized oil regimen to suit their personal needs.

Q: Where did this originate from?

A. Essential oils have been around for thousands of years. The ancient Greeks, Romans, Chinese, and Indians used essential oils and recognized the oil’s abilities to influence people’s emotions. The term “aromatherapy” was not officially coined until the 20th century and it took many years for people in the scientific field to recognize the emotional benefits of the oils. In the 1990s biologists started to fully understand how our biochemistry or our individualized bodies rather, respond to the effect of scent. It is because of this discovery that we now know that essential oils have an amazing effect on emotions and moods.

Q: What makes doTERRA different from any other oils?

A: I mentioned this briefly in the beginning of the interview, but doTERRA is the only company that had the Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade or CPTG standard. Each liter of oil is tested to ensure purity. They are tested for heavy metals, potency, what effect they will have on the human senses, and more. Rigorous testing is involved to ensure that these oils are safe to use. There are no synthetics, there are no fillers, no pesticides, no GMOs, and they are food grade. When I walk into some of these stores and see some of these essential oils they are selling, some of them say,  “External Use Only”. Whenever an essential oil says, External Use Only it should not be on the skin. Our skin is the largest organ on our bodies and whatever we put on our skin filters straight through the bloodstream. If we cannot ingest the oils then they should not be on our skin. DoTERRA’s oils are FDA approved for internal consumption.

Q: Are there any side effects?

A: No there are no side effects and that is the beauty of these oils. For instance, if you put Peppermint and Wild Orange in your water they are going to enhance one another. Peppermint will give you energy and cool your body down while Wild Orange will uplift mood and promote overall health.

Q: What are the different types and what does it serve?

A: There are many different types of essential oils and oil blends that doTERRA has, but there are 10 most popular oils commonly used by many. Those 10 oils are: Frankincense, Melaleuca, Breathe, DigestZen, Oregano, OnGuard, Lemon, Lavender, Peppermint, and Deep Blue oil. These oils serve many purposes, such as balancing mood, helping occasional skin irritations, promoting respiratory health and clearing airways, relieving occasional stomach upset and nausea, boosting immunity, cleansing and detoxifying, relaxation and reducing anxious feelings, energy, and a soothing massage.

Q: Why do you like the product so much and why do you think others should be a pat of the doTERRA experience?

A: I like the products so much because they work. I use them everyday and have seen amazing results using them, whether it is for skin irritations, balancing mood, stomach upset, relaxation, circulation, and the list goes on. I can really stand behind these products because I’ve seen such amazing benefits and have heard so many wonderful testimonials from my family, friends, and customers who purchase these products. I am a firm believer that everyone should be a part of the doTERRA experience. Essential oils are just that, essential. We need essential oils on a daily basis for a variety of different things. The integrity of the company is outstanding. This company does what they call co-impact sourcing in which they partner with growers and farmers in developing countries, giving them steady jobs and a reliable income. DoTERRA also has Healing Hands Foundation. In the Healing Hands Foundation doTERRA provides educational resources, installs drinking water, builds schools, and provides funding. Lastly, what I like about doTERRA is how the company has created financial freedom for many people. The compensation plan is phenomenal and I enjoy the fact that I am a part of training people to become financially free.

Shelby Ricks Contact Information:

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