Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Trump Card Victory

     Donald Trump has won the presidency. He defeated Hillary Clinton in the election polls as well. CNN conducted a poll immediately after the first presidential debate putting Hillary Clinton against Donald Trump compiling responses 521 people, the CNN/ORC poll found that Clinton was the clear winner with 62% of respondents saying she performed better than her opponent. Just 27% chose Trump, leaving 11% undecided. Fortune also conducted a poll with over 600,000 responses showing that Trump would won the presidency with 57% to 47%. The main states that were needed for a successful win were Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Virginia, and Wisconsin. Out of the 9 only 7 really were important to Trump and his candidacy. Florida, Virginia, New Hampshire, Ohio, Iowa, Colorado and Nevada. Those 7 states held a combined total of 85 electoral college votes. Sabato said, "that two of those states are must wins for GOP if the Republicans want to win, they absolutely need a ticket that can carry Ohio and Florida." All of those components made Donald Trump the new President of the United States of America. Even though Hillary Clinton lost, she still won some very important states like Oregon, Washington, California, Nevada, and Colorado. In a shock the State of Louisiana also voted mostly for Donald Trump.

    My reaction to the whole presidential running was that I felt the entire time that it was very unreal. You would never really thing that Donald Trump would run for President of The United States and actually win. You just would not really picture him at all being serious enough to actually deal with something that is so heavy and something that is so important. Being that we are so much of a Social Media generation I also took to Twitter and checked in on some of the other fans reactions as well. Some of the most popular tweets were:

   Mark Normand: Why is Donald doing all of this pacing? You only do that when you are thinking. #PresidentRunning

Fortune Magazine: Conservatives didn't like the presidential debate. #PresidentRunning

Jillian Johnson: He exceeded my expectations by not sexually assaulting anyone for 90 whole minutes. #debate

Kingnothing: I bet after the election the Clintons and Trumps will be on a yacht together, drinking champagne and laughing at the American people. #debate

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